Medical CAnnabis Consultations
We're here to help.
Our team will work with your client to support their design and implementation of a cannabis protocol for their animal. Our goal is to provide up-to-date, scientifically sound, and harm reduction focused cannabis information to both the pet parent and you as part of the pet's primary care team.
Our team provides your client with support in locating products, administering or titrating their animal's cannabis protocol, journalling ideas, and other encouragement. Your client will be paired with a Veterinary Cannabis Counselor (VCC) who will help tailor a cannabis protocol to the client's treatment goals, your therapy plan, the animal's current health, and animal-safe products available in the client's geographic area. |
We can provide guidance on molecular profiles and assist in designing condition-specific monitoring plans. However, you should already be familiar with creating and maintaining a cannabis protocol to utilize this consult type.
Our Colleague Consults include: